Paper indicator for sterilization in autoclave 121°C

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Sterilization indicator paper, book of 270 tests


  • Non-sterile
  • Packaging: 270 pcs. the test

Paper indicator for sterilization in autoclave 121°C

Chemical paper indicator for sterilization. One booklet of chemical indicator paper for autoclave sterilization contains 270 tests suitable for sterilization up to 121°C.

Paper chemical sterilization indicators are placed in the center of the drum or in the envelope to be sterilized.

After use, the yellow line changes its color to deep red, a sign that all sterilization parameters have been achieved.

Important: If the color change is not complete, the sterilization has not been successful.

To be stored at a temperature of 15 - 25°C, in a dry place protected from direct sunlight.